Friday, June 27, 2014

Linux / Unix logtop: Realtime Log Line Rate Analyser

How can I analyze line rate taking log file as input on a Linux system? How do I find the IP flooding my Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd web-server on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux?

You need to use a tool called logtop. It is a system administrator tool to analyze line rate taking log file as input. It reads on stdin and print a constantly updated result displaying, in columns in the following format:

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Install EPEL Repo on a CentOS and RHEL 7.x

How do I install the extra repositories such as Fedora EPEL repo on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server version 7.x or CentOS Linux server version 7.x?

You can easily install various packages by configuring a CentOS 7.x or RHEL 7.x system to use Fedora EPEL repos and third party packages. Please note that these packages are not officially supported by either CentOS or Red Hat, but provides many popular packages and apps.

Connect To Amazon AWS EC2 Instance From a CentOS / RHEL Using SSH Client

i have created/launched Amazon Machine Image (AMI) instance powered by a CentOS/RHEL/Red Hat Enterprise Linux. How can I connect to my instance using OpenSSH Linux/Unix/OSX ssh client?

You can use OpenSSH ssh client program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. The same client can be used to login into Amazon AWS EC2 instance powered by a CentOS Linux / Fedora / RHEL.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

CentOS / RHEL 7: Install GCC (C and C++ Compiler) and Development Tools

How do I install gnu gcc compiler and related tools such as autoconf, automake, flex, c++ compiler, and bison on a CentOS 7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 server?

You can setup a basic development environment with the following packages on a CentOS Enterprise Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Linux Redirect Error Output To File

I am a new Ubuntu Linux and bash shell user. I also know how to redirect output from display/screen to a file using the following syntax:
cmd > file
ls > file
However, some time errors are displayed on screen. How do I store and redirect output from the computer screen to a file on a Linux or Unix-like systems?

Monday, June 9, 2014

FreeBSD 10: Apply Binary Updates To Keep Base System Up To Date

I know keeping a FreeBSD server up to date is a very important. How can I apply binary system patches and updates to a new installation of FreeBSD 10 server?

You need to use the freebsd-update tool. It is used to fetch, install, and rollback binary updates to the FreeBSD base system.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

CentOS and RHEL 7: Install Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP) Stack

I am new Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 user/sysadmin/developer. This version made the big number change for RHEL 7/CentOS 7. How can I install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) stack on a RHEL version 7 or CentOS Linux version 7 using CLI or over ssh based session?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Fedora Linux 19/20 Install Adobe Flash Player

I want to use Pandora online radio on a Fedora Linux desktop. How can I install Adobe Flash Player Plugin version 11.2 with yum command on a Fedora Linux 64 bit desktop or 32 bit version 20 laptop system?

Adobe provided yum repository that contains RPM packages of Adobe Linux Software. You use yum command to install either 32 or 64 bit flash player on a Fedora Linux operating system. Please note that Adobe Flash Player is proprietary and closed source software.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Linux: Bash Delete All Files In Directory Except Few

I'm a new Linux system user. I need to cleanup in a download directory i.e. delete all files from ~/Downloads/ folders except the following types:
*.iso - All iso images files.
*.zip - All zip files.
How do I delete all file except some in bash shell on a Linux, OS X or Unix-like systems?

Bash shell supports rich file pattern matching such as follows:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fedora Linux 20: Install Broadcom-wl STA BCM43228 Wireless Driver

I'm using Dell / Lenovo laptop with Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n based wireless card. How can I install Broadcom-wl STA BCM4322 Wireless driver on a Fedora Linux version 20?

Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n driver can be installed on any Linux disruption including Fedora Linux version 20. The driver (broadcom-wl and kmod-wl) works with the following Wireless chipsets only:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux: Use Yum Command With A Proxy Server

My CentOS Linux based laptop can only be accessed through our corporate proxy servers. How do I access and use yum command with a Web proxy server on a CentOS / RHEL / Fedora / Red Hat / Scientific Linux?

Yum repositories can be accessed through standard proxy servers such as Squid proxy server. You need to provide use the following details of the proxy server in /etc/yum.conf file:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

OS X: Create and use Live USB Fedora Linux Media

My new Dell Laptop has no DVD or CD drive. I'm trying to create a bootable Fedora Linux 20 USB using UNetbootin utility as described here. But, UNetbootin failed to create bootable USB image on OS X. How do I create Fedora Linux 20 USB Media in Apple OS X using command line options?

You need to use the following two commands on Apple OS X to directory write an ISO image to USB flash drive: